Iced Cascara Coffee Recipe

Iced Cascara Coffee Recipe

Iced Cascara Coffee Recipe

Coffee usually comes from a roasted seed, but sometimes other parts of the coffee plant can be used to prepare traditional beverages like kuti, hoja, and qishr. Here, hibiscus-like cascara (dried coffee cherries) brighten up a cold brew.

Yield: 1
Cook time:
Prep time:
Total time:
Calories: 0 calories
Fat: 0 grams fat


  • Dried cascara
  • 5fl oz (150ml) cold-brewed coffee
  • Cascara ice cubes

  • Method

    1. To prepare cascara ice cubes, make tea from dried cascara. Pour the infusion into an ice-cube tray and transfer to the freezer. Allow to freeze. Prepare coffee ice cubes the same way, by filling an ice-cube tray with brewed coffee.
    2. Prepare 5fl oz (150ml) cold-brewed coffee using a cold dripper.
    3. Add the cascara ice cubes and coffee ice cubes to a cocktail shaker. Pour over the cold coffee, add 1 teaspoon dried cascara, and shake.

    4. SERVE IT UP

      • Pour into the glass, and serve immediately.

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    Drink Coffee Hot Coffee Iced Cascara Coffee
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